An efficient Bulk Media Handling System, for moving materials from one location to another, is highly dependent on using the correct bulk material handling hose. Bulk Material Transfer is a method that is employed in a variety of industries, including agriculture, petrochemicals, woodworking, pharmaceutical, food… This sounds relatively straightforward but crucially hose choice, depending on the material to be transferred, determines a bulk transfer system’s quality and success.
Bulk Material Transfers are often done using pneumatic systems, using either a positive or negative pressure, to convey bulk materials through flexible hoses. The most commonly used method, for pneumatically conveying bulk elements, works by either pushing or pulling materials at the rate at which transferred materials become airborne in high-velocity air streams; this allows items to be moved, continuously, and quickly over long distances.

It is possible, depending on the material being transferred, that the media can hit the conveyor wall and break. Abrasive fragments, from such media, can result in violent movements; causing hoses to wear out and fail with continuous impacts. If a pneumatic system experiences any of these problems, it may be a sign that lined spiral hoses need to be used.
Therefore, choosing the ideal Bulk Material Handling Hose for a bulk material transfer application can have a massive impact on the efficiency5 and reliability of a pneumatic Bulk handling system.
Masterflex Bulk Material Handling Hose Applications Examples
Polyurethane Spiral Hoses, common components of pneumatic transfer systems, can be used to convey a variety of dry bulk materials. Let’s explore the various kinds of pneumatic transfer hoses, with their applications and benefits.
Please click the TITLES below for examples of respective, Bulk Material Handling Hoses:
Construction Hoses
Aggregates handling, mining and vacuum excavation industries are just some of the processes associated with the construction industry; which necessitates the use of flexible, ultra-abrasion-resistant hoses.

Food Hoses
The food industry requires transporting edible items between tanks, mixers and filler units; this type of bulk transfer requires flexible hoses, mainly, wherever fixed pipework cannot be used.

Glass and Ceramics Hoses
Industrial abrasion-resistant flexible hoses and flexible ducts are typical in the glass and ceramics industry, for applications involving Glass & Ceramics production.

Grains & Feed Hoses
For conveying grains, feeds or agriculture debris, hoses demand both abrasion and microbe-resistants together with high flexibility.

Gravel, Sand, Stone Hoses
Industries that handle aggregates require hoses, to transport materials such as glass, gravel, sand, stones, silo, and cement, with the highest demands of service life and abrasion resistance. Such hoses, depending on the material to transport, require specific wall thicknesses. Cement factories also demand exceptionally durable hoses that are both lightweight and flexible, making them easy to handle; such hoses can be very long-lasting under extreme conditions.

Paint Hose
There are specific flexible hoses and flexible ducts, for applications within the paint manufacturing industry, for venting fumes and powder transportation.

Pharmaceutical Hoses
Pharmaceutical Flexible hoses, which are FDA-approved, are designed for applications within the pharmaceutical industry. It is crucial to use food-grade hoses, in pharmaceutical industries, to preserve the integrity of edibles during transportation. Edibles, travelling through non-FDA approved or non-specific, could get contaminated. Such contamination could result from off-gassing or hazardous materials reacting between the hose and the transporting media. There are several types of pharmaceutical hoses, including heavy-duty and antistatic ones, with high structural integrity.

Rubber & Plastics Hoses
Hot air ducting hoses are typical in the rubber and plastics industry; as well as hoses explicitly designed for granular transportation.

Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd Can Supply Your Bulk Material Handling Hose
Whether you are placing a new system or upgrading an existing one, Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd can supply bulk material handling hoses to help you get the highest efficiency and exceptional longevity from your pneumatic transfer systems. For more information, please contact our very Experienced Sales Team and we’d be delighted to help.
Most of our flexible hoses, manufactured in the UK, use the highest quality materials; designed to offer unparalleled performance in the field. We provide various hose types, each designed to be used for specific applications, for many industries.
With many years of manufacturing PVC & Polyurethane hoses, Masterflex offers a range of high-quality hoses, ducting, connectors and expert advice for your unique application needs.
Contact Masterflex For Bulk Material Handling Hose
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Masterflex Technical Hoses Limited
Units G – H, Prince of Wales Business Park,
Vulcan Street, Oldham, OL1 4ER
Tel: 0161 626 8066