It is freezing, its dry and so is your wallet by now; nevertheless, January is a great month:
1 January – A Quiet Month
The insane hustle and bustle have calmed down, and you can breathe again. It’s now a quiet time to think about the new year; holiday plans, the snow season, longer days, the summer and a lot more!
Yup, the quietness of January is not without mega excitement!
2 January A New Start
A few can deny the relief, once January begins, for a refreshing new start after Christmas (and that’s whether you hate or love new year’s resolutions). It’s time to move on, forgive yourself and wipe your slate anew.
3 January Shopping – Fun Time
So your bank balance is still in recovery from Christmas shopping, but if there is anything you need, it is now the time for bargain hunting; January, the month of slashed prices, is the perfect time to shop.
4 Your Weekends Again
Waiting to be filled up with whatever you imagine, suddenly, weekends become a vast sphere of space; no more browsing for gifts, writing cards, decorating, wrapping, visiting and partying!
5 Your Local Supermarket is Calm
Supermarket shopping can now be in peace; no more trolley jams, long queues, the myriad of temptation and navigating ordeals.
6 New Seasons of Your Favourite TV Shows

@IdrisElba at the Berlinale 2018 – Harald Krichel [CC BY-SA 4.0, from Wikimedia Commons
7 Back to Work
It’s now back to normal here at Masterflex, e-mails checked, phones ringing and orders are again in the process.
Did you know Masterflex is a leading UK Manufacturer of high-tech flexible ducts, hoses and connecting systems? Have a look at our website to see the products we manufacture and the many industries we specialise.
We can also send you a free sample of the hose if needed.
For more information on our products please contact Masterflex UK
Masterflex Technical Hoses Limited
Units G & H, Prince of Wales Business Park,
Vulcan Street, Oldham, OL1 4ER
Tel: 0161 626 8066 Fax: 0161 626 9066
Monday – Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 2:30 pm