Flexible Hose and Flexible Ducting in flame-retardant materials. Hardly inflammable to DIN 4102 B1.

Medium duty Polyurethane Abrasion Resistant Hose, PU, flexible ducting, Polyurethane, PU wall thickness 0.5mm hardly Inflammable to DIN4102 B1

Lightweight Medium Duty, Polyurethane, PU, Flexible Hose and flexible ducting, Copper coated steel wire helix, PU wall thickness 0.7mm

Medium-Heavy Duty PU Suction hose & Transport Hose, very flexible, antistatic, microbe-resistant, hardly inflammable acc. to DIN 4102 B1

Heavy Duty transport hose & suction hose, highly abrasion-resistant and vacuum proof, with reinforcement underneath the spiral, antistatic, microbe-resistant, hardly inflammable according to DIN 4102 B1

Hardly Inflammable, Suction & Blower Ducting Hose, hardy inflammable; good for tent heating, extractor unit, air-conditioning & vent system.

Master Clip Spark: Welding Fume Extraction, flexible, ducting hose; made from PVC-coated glass fabric; good for solder fume extraction, tent heating and more...

Neoprene Coated, 1 Layer, DIN 75200 & FMVSS 302; good for applications in transit vehicles, shipbuilding, hot gaseous media...

Two-ply neoprene coated glass fabric flexible and flexible ducting reinforced internally with steel wire helix. External glass cord. +135ºC (Intermittent +150ºC)

Master Clip PTFE: +250ºC Teflon flexible ducting, good for the extraction of corrosive gases, chemical and solvent fumes.

Master Clip PTFE S: Flexible ducting, PTFE lined Silicone/glass fabric ducting, external galvanised steel helix. +250ºC (Intermittent +270ºC)

Master Clip PTFE S-EL: Silicone, Electroconductive Suction & Blower ducting hose for corrosive media, electroconductive, outer layer: Silicon coated glass fabric, 250ºC.

Single-ply silicone-coated glass fabric, flexible ducting hose; reinforced internally with steel wire helix and external glass cord.

Double Layered, Mechanically Robust, up to +250 °C - conveyance of air/gas; good for manufacturing industries.

Master Clip SILICON: Single layer, silver, silicone-coated glass-fibre, -60 to +300 °C; engine/aircraft manufacturing, defence systems, hot/cold air.

Master Clip ISO-SILICON: Flexible ducting hose, Two-ply Silicone/glass fabric ducting. High-Temperature Hose -60 to 300 °C; hot/cold air/fume conveyance, engine/aircraft manufacturing, defence systems...

Master Clip HT 400 (Heat Protective Hose, 1 Layer): up to +400 degrees celsius. Good for oven manufacturing, hot air, extractor units, smoke & more.

Master Clip HT 450 (Heat Protective Hose, 2 Layers): up to +450 degrees celsius. Good for diesel engine test benches with higher extraction performance, defence systems, aircraft manufacturing & more.

Master Clip HT 650 (Heat Protective Hose, 2 Layer): up to +650 °C. Good for exhaust gas extraction for high-performance engine test benches in the automotive industry, mining and steel industry, infrared drying units and more.

Master Clip HT 1100 (Heat Protective Hose, 3 Layered): up to +1100 °C. Good for suction/extraction of turbojet engine exhaust fumes, exhaust gas extraction for larger capacity engines, suction during spark formation & other extreme tempera [...]