Fume Extraction Ducting Hose / Fume Hose is made from PVC/Polyester & PVC/Glass fabrics.
If you require to take control of the fume and air quality at your workplace with flexible fume extraction ducting hoses, then talk to the experts at Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd UK (Masterflex). Masterflex is one of the UK’s leading manufacturing firms of industrial fume extraction ducting hose. It delivers complete bespoke fume extraction ducting hose solutions, to customers, all over the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Masterflex Offers:
- Consultation – Our experienced sales consultants, with experience in hoses for most industries, i.e. from the pharmaceutical to aerospace, can specify a custom hose your exact requirements.
- Manufacturing of custom ducts, hoses & connecting systems – Masterflex makes use of our decades of experience, a skilled in-house team using modern technologies.
Over 24 Years of Experience, In The UK Alone, For Fume Extraction Hoses
Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd UK, Greater Manchester, was founded in 1996; and is still led by its first forward-thinking originators. Moreover, Masterflex, with its manufacturing plant, has grown over the years; thanks to global demands for high-quality industrial flexible ducting hoses and dedication in providing a comprehensive service all its customers.
Today, Masterflex can help tackle even the most obscure air quality problems with confidence, for:
- Chemical Vapour Extraction and Filtration
- Vehicle Exhaust Extraction
- Welding Fume Extraction
- Filtration and Odour Control
- Specialised Containment and Fume Control
- Helping you meet legal obligations, in workplaces all over the world, to meet strict air quality regulations.
To discover more ways Masterflex Technical Hoses can meet your fume extraction needs, whichever region or industry sector you operate in, contact us today; or send us your requirements, in the brief form below, so that we can recommend hose/s that would satisfy your needs: Masterflex Free Online Quotation Service

PE-EVA Vacuum Cleaner, Suction& Transport Hose; lightweight, crush-resistant.+60ºC (Intermittent +70ºC)

Vacuum & electroconductive hose; lightweight, crush-resistant for industrial/domestic vacuum cleaners, pool cleaning...

Master VENT 2: Inflammable Suction & Blower hoses made from co-polymer polyester fabric; for air-con, ventilation, extractor units, steam...

Light Duty, Light Weight Flexible PVC ducting hose; made from soft black PVC, reinforced with a PVC coated spring steel wire helix. +70ºC (Intermittent +80ºC)

Medium Duty Flexible PVC hose and ducting manufactured from soft grey PVC, reinforced with high tensile PVC coated steel wire helix. +70ºC (Intermittent +85ºC)

Highly Flexible PVC hose and ducting made from soft PVC with yarn reinforcement reinforced internally with coated spring steel wire helix. +70ºC (Intermittent +85ºC)

Lightweight, Flexible, Film/Foil, Electroconductive, antistatic PVC Film/Foil Hoses; great for danger zones, fine-grained particles, gases, liquids.

Carflex Super: Super Light, crushproof exhaust extraction hose. Thermoplastic rubber /polyester fabric, plastic helix up to 200ºC.

Master Santo LF - flexible Santoprene™ (TPV) hose is good for liquids & gaseous media; including steam extraction & air, under low pressure.

Master SANTO SL: Santoprene™ (TPV), very lightweight, for increased temperatures; steam/air extraction, vehicle & machine manufacturing...

Suction & blower flexible ducting hose, PVC film, external galvanised steel helix, +70ºC for low-pressure Dust and Gas.

Hardly Inflammable, Suction & Blower Ducting Hose, hardy inflammable; good for tent heating, extractor unit, air-conditioning & vent system.

Electroconductive hose made from PVC coated polyester fabric, extractor units, explosive gasses, vibration-proof, lightweight, flexible; good for mechanical demands.

Master Clip Spark: Welding Fume Extraction, flexible, ducting hose; made from PVC-coated glass fabric; good for solder fume extraction, tent heating and more...

Master Clip PE: Polyethylene, environmentally friendly ducting; good for air-cons, ventilation systems, asbestos removal, extractor units...

Neoprene Coated, 1 Layer, DIN 75200 & FMVSS 302; good for applications in transit vehicles, shipbuilding, hot gaseous media...

Two-ply neoprene coated glass fabric flexible and flexible ducting reinforced internally with steel wire helix. External glass cord. +135ºC (Intermittent +150ºC)

Master Clip NEOPRENE: 1 Layer, Clip Profile Spiral, Medium and High-Temperature hose for temperatures up to +125°C.

Master Clip Iso NEOPRENE: 2 Layer, Clip Profile Spiral, Medium and High-Temperature hose for temperatures up to +130°C

Carflex 200: Neoprene/polyester fabric vehicle high temperature flexible ducting hose with steel helix and plastic abrasion protector. +200ºC (when used with a fan)

Master Clip Hypalon: Flexible ducting, Hypalon/polyester fabric ducting, external galvanised steel helix. +175ºC (Intermittent 190ºC); good for automotive manufacturing, extractor units, exhaust gas, as a standard industrial hose.

Flexible ducting, Viton/polyester fabric ducting, external galvanised steel helix. +210ºC (Intermittent +240ºC); good for aggressive media and has good chemical resistance.

Polyester fabric hoses; Electroconductive & Antistatic; for Corrosive Media up to 210°C, for chemical, paint mist...

Master Clip PTFE: +250ºC Teflon flexible ducting, good for the extraction of corrosive gases, chemical and solvent fumes.

Master Clip PTFE H: PTFE lined HYPALON® Polyester fabric flexible ducting; great for extraction of corrosive gases, chemical & solvent fumes.

Master Clip PTFE H-EL: ducting hose; excellent chemical resistance, UV proof, electroconductive, outer layer: HYPALON®coated polyester fabric, 175ºC.

Master Clip PTFE S: Flexible ducting, PTFE lined Silicone/glass fabric ducting, external galvanised steel helix. +250ºC (Intermittent +270ºC)

Master Clip PTFE S-EL: Silicone, Electroconductive Suction & Blower ducting hose for corrosive media, electroconductive, outer layer: Silicon coated glass fabric, 250ºC.