We manufacture, sell and distribute Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) ducts; and can supply a wide variety of HVAC ducting hoses, using various materials suitable for temperatures up to +300°C. If you need guidance, selecting/ordering your hose, then allow us, your HVAC Duct Suppliers, to help you out.
Did you know that HVAC systems, for efficient warming, cooling and providing clean air, require quality HVAC air ducts? We, at Masterflex UK, specialise in flexible hoses for heating, cooling and venting in outside air to maintain high-quality air conditioning. Whether you want to cool a vehicle, house, industrial-sized building, or tent, we have the perfect air duct hoses for the business.

Medium duty Polyurethane Abrasion Resistant Hose, PU, flexible ducting, Polyurethane, PU wall thickness 0.5mm hardly Inflammable to DIN4102 B1

Master VENT 2: Inflammable Suction & Blower hoses made from co-polymer polyester fabric; for air-con, ventilation, extractor units, steam...

Light Duty, Light Weight Flexible PVC ducting hose; made from soft black PVC, reinforced with a PVC coated spring steel wire helix. +70ºC (Intermittent +80ºC)

Medium Duty Flexible PVC hose and ducting manufactured from soft grey PVC, reinforced with high tensile PVC coated steel wire helix. +70ºC (Intermittent +85ºC)

Master Santo LF - flexible Santoprene™ (TPV) hose is good for liquids & gaseous media; including steam extraction & air, under low pressure.

Suction & blower flexible ducting hose, PVC film, external galvanised steel helix, +70ºC for low-pressure Dust and Gas.

Hardly Inflammable, Suction & Blower Ducting Hose, hardy inflammable; good for tent heating, extractor unit, air-conditioning & vent system.

Master Clip Spark: Welding Fume Extraction, flexible, ducting hose; made from PVC-coated glass fabric; good for solder fume extraction, tent heating and more...

Neoprene Coated, 1 Layer, DIN 75200 & FMVSS 302; good for applications in transit vehicles, shipbuilding, hot gaseous media...

Two-ply neoprene coated glass fabric flexible and flexible ducting reinforced internally with steel wire helix. External glass cord. +135ºC (Intermittent +150ºC)

Master Clip NEOPRENE: 1 Layer, Clip Profile Spiral, Medium and High-Temperature hose for temperatures up to +125°C.

Master Clip Hypalon: Flexible ducting, Hypalon/polyester fabric ducting, external galvanised steel helix. +175ºC (Intermittent 190ºC); good for automotive manufacturing, extractor units, exhaust gas, as a standard industrial hose.

Single-ply silicone-coated glass fabric, flexible ducting hose; reinforced internally with steel wire helix and external glass cord.